The tip of leeks is a common disease of leeks, which not only affects the yield of leeks, but also reduces the quality of leeks. The damage is very serious. The analysis of dried leeks is mainly caused by the following reasons. 1. Excessive fertilization. Neutral soil conditions are suitable for the growth and development of leeks. If excessive human urine and other acidic fertilizers are applied to the soil, the soil will be acidified and lead to dry tips. Frequent over-application of chemical fertilizers can also cause excessive concentration of soil solution, resulting in dry tips. If large amounts of dried manure are not fully decomposed, large amounts of ammonia will be released, and a large amount of nitrogen dioxide gas will be emitted from the acidic soil. Will cause the dry tip phenomenon of leeks. 2. High temperature hazards. If the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds 32°C for a long period of time, ventilation is not timely, or sudden high temperatures occur after rainy days, or sudden intrusion of cold wind after high temperatures can cause the tip of the leaves to turn brown and lead to dry tips. 3. Deficiency. The lack of hormones can also cause dry tips. When the magnesium deficiency is lacking, the outer leaves of the amaranth are yellowed; when the boron deficiency occurs, the heart of the amaranth leaves is yellowed, and when the boron is excessive, the tips of the leaves are dry; when the calcium is lacking, the heart of the amaranth leaves is yellowed. 4. Drought hazards. Insufficient moisture in the soil can cause dry tips. 5. Pest and harm. Earthworms endanger the roots of leeks, which can cause the normal physiological activities of the roots to be obstructed and cause the leeks to dry. Botrytis cinerea white and dry tips have white or gray-brown spots on the leaves and develop from the tip of the leaf to the spot or ellipse, causing half-leaf or whole-leaf char. 6. Pesticide injury. Improper use of pesticides during pest control will also produce dry yellow leaves. For example, when the concentration of pesticides sprayed on the foliage is too large or the mixing is not uniform, the leaves will appear evenly distributed with white round spots; when the smokers are used in the shed, the concentration of the dry and sharp tips of the leaves will be formed and the application point will be Center point distribution. According to the symptoms to diagnose the cause of the disease, determine the prevention and treatment methods. 1. Control the use of nitrogen fertilizer, apply as much organic fertilizer or humic acid fertilizer as possible to promote root and root, and increase the growth of leeks. Less application of acidic fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer should not be too large; little or no application of ammonium bicarbonate, organic fertilizer should be fully cooked before application; balanced fertilization, supplementation of various trace elements. 2. Scientific ventilation. When the temperature in the shed reaches 20-25°C, small winds should be started. As the temperature increases, the amount of air release should be gradually increased. Ventilate slowly. Do not allow cold air to suddenly enter the shed. In the shed room, the daytime temperature is not higher than 30°C, and not lower than 8°C at night, so as to minimize the temperature difference between day and night. In principle, there is no ventilation at all, and only the air outlet in the upper part of the shed is opened. This will not only facilitate cooling, but also easily remove moisture and harmful gases. 3. Pay attention to the prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea using high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residual bactericide. Before the onset of disease, we can use foliar spray, acetaminophen, sclerotinia and other foliar sprays. Try to avoid excessive use of manganese-containing pesticides (such as mancozeb, etc.), so as to avoid excessive manganese caused by dried leeks. Green Coffee Bean,Raw Coffee Beans,Raw Green Coffee Beans,Bulk Green Coffee Beans YUNNAN H.C.IMPORT & EXPORT CORP ,