Do not miss "Sansun" in spring health


Spring rain moistens everything, and rooted in the underground bamboo shoots also broke out. Lettuce, asparagus, and bamboo shoots are known as "spring dishes kings" for their rich moisture, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

Lettuce, anti-allergic master. Lettuce is a well-deserved "chun cuisine", rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, especially in lettuce leaves vitamin C content 15 times higher than the stem, so we do not easily lose the lettuce leaves this treasure. Japanese researchers found that lettuce contains a special ingredient that can inhibit mast cell release of histamine and other chemical conductive substances, can resist the spring caused by allergic rhinitis.

The lettuce is afraid of salty, so it is better to eat less salt when cooking. If you want to play anti-allergic effects, you can eat about 300 grams per day (including lettuce leaves).

Asparagus, curing the bladder. Asparagus is delicious, and the dietary fiber is soft and delicious, which can increase appetite and help digestion. It also contains various amino acids necessary for the human body, as well as trace elements such as selenium, molybdenum, magnesium, and manganese. In the Qing dynasty pharmacological work, Yu Xi Yao Xie, it was recorded that asparagus can "treat water and pass through the shower," and preserve the bladder. The aspartame contained is also an effective detoxifier for the kidneys.

Asparagus contains oxalic acid, which is easily combined with calcium to form calcium oxalate. Therefore, it must be boiled with light salt for 5 to 10 minutes before soaking in water to remove most of the oxalic acid and astringency.

Bamboo shoots, heat elimination. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that bamboo shoots are sweet, slightly bitter, and cold, and that they can turn down the air and remove heat. "Compendium of Compendium of Materia Medica" refers to its "Li Jiujiu, pass blood, eliminate phlegm, eliminate food inflation", especially good at heat elimination. Bamboo shoots rich in B vitamins, with low-fat, low-sugar, multi-fiber and other characteristics, can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, prevent constipation.

There are two types of bamboo shoots sold on the market: thick, suitable for stewing, fine for stir-fried, and bamboo with a shorter tender. Due to the cold nature and rich crude fiber, patients with severe gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, stomach bleeding, and chronic enteritis should not eat bamboo shoots.

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