What is better for baby children suffering from malnutrition? Diet plan for children


Children are prone to malnutrition. If the daily diet is not in place, it will directly affect the child's health. What can be done? Don't worry, you can avoid nutrition by properly matching your child's daily diet. Poor possibilities.

Child malnutrition diet plan

To prevent children from suffering malnutrition, we must supplement our diet. Because the nutrition in breastmilk is relatively comprehensive, but it is necessary to pay attention to let the nursing mothers take sufficient vitamin A and vitamin D, but also from the baby 1 to 2 weeks after birth, daily serving vitamin D500 ~ 1000 international units, continuous taking to 2 ~ 3 year old. Timely supplements to infants and young children supplemental foods rich in vitamin D and calcium such as egg yolks, liver paste, cod liver oil preparations, dried small shrimps, dried vegetables, juices, rice soup, etc. For babies over 1 year old, the quality of their diet should be fully improved. Daily intake of milk, eggs, tofu, green leafy vegetables, sugar, and staple foods should be fixed. Should eat more rice, milk, chicken, duck, chicken liver, hawthorn, squid, eel, whitebait and the like food. The diet should be soft, rotten and fine to facilitate digestion and absorption.

Correspondingly, some foods are not suitable for children. In order to prevent the occurrence of malnutrition, the baby should eat less hard-digestible foods such as beans, peanuts, and corn. Do not eat fried, fried, smoked, grilled and fatty, too sweet food. Also use less sesame seeds, sesame oil, onions, ginger, and a variety of aroma-rich seasonings.

Malnutrition children should eat food

protein. Bone cell proliferation and muscle, organ development are inseparable from protein, the faster the child grows and develops, the more you need to add protein, to eat more fish and shrimp, lean meat, eggs, milk, peanuts, soy products. Food rich in protein, lecithin, and lysine for brain development and body growth.

Vitamins. Vitamins are life-supporting factors, the most important of which are vitamins A, B, C, and D. These are essential for your child's growth and development. Vitamins can be taken from the liver, kidneys and eggs of animals, and the best source is Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Calcium, phosphorus. These two trace elements are the main components of bones and are found in high levels in foods such as milk, shrimp, bean products, ribs, bone soup, kelp, seaweed, and sesame. In addition, more sun exposure, increase the chance of ultraviolet radiation, so as to ensure the healthy growth of bones.

Then, how should children's malnutrition be prevented?

Child malnutrition prevention methods

To prevent malnutrition in young children, we must strengthen nutritional guidance and encourage breastfeeding. Breast milk is the most perfect food for children, promote breastfeeding, pay attention to feeding methods, and add complementary foods in an age-appropriate manner. Grasp the first thin and dry, first and then early, later first and then more. the rules. Weaning around 1 year old and giving foods that are easily digestible and nutritious. If there is insufficient breast milk or there is no breast milk, replace milk products (bovine, goat's milk, soymilk, fish, etc.) containing high-quality protein, to prevent the simple feeding of starchy foods, condensed milk or malted milk. Older children should pay attention to the correct mix of food ingredients, supply meat, eggs, and soy products adequately and supplement enough vegetables.

To prevent infant malnutrition, we must actively prevent and treat diseases, prevent infectious diseases, eliminate lesions, and correct congenital malformations.

Prevention of malnutrition in young children should pay attention to physical exercise to correct bad health and eating habits, regular diet, and ensure adequate sleep. Children should pay attention to outdoor exercise, fresh air, more sun, and enhance their physical fitness.

Diets to prevent child malnutrition should be appropriate or they will be counterproductive.

Source: Jinling hotline Author: Aston

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