According to reports, it is not possible to use dew grass to feed sheep in the fall. Sheep eating this grass can cause rumen bloat disease. Therefore, when shepherds are in the fall, they must wait for the sun to rise in the morning and the dew to disappear. Afterwards, they must grazing before the dew occurs in the evening. In addition, the soft skin on corn cobs, post-harvesting sorghum, and corn seedlings are not used to feed sheep. Because the soft sticks of corn cobs are not suitable for chewing and digesting, they tend to cause blockage in the stomach, which can cause fermentation, spoilage, and the production of large amounts of toxic substances, leading to the death of oleic acidosis. The sorghum and corn seedlings after harvest in autumn contain a large amount of hydrocyanic acid, which can cause sheep poisoning. Guangzhou Zhongzhinan Supply Chain Co.,Ltd. ,