Gift vertical watermelon cultivation technology


1. Variety selection Choose small, high-quality, early-maturing watermelon varieties suitable for greenhouse cultivation, such as black beauty, gold beauty, Xiaolan, Baoguan, and Xiu Ling.
2. Sowing seedlings According to the altitude of the village in the countryside of Wan'an, sowing in early spring, the sowing date can be set in the early March. Seedlings generally use nutrients or seedlings to cultivate seedlings, nutrient soils use plant ash, humus soil, and former fertilizer soils that have not been used to grow melons. When making nutritious soils, it is necessary to control the humidity of nutritious soils. The request. Seed sowing before drying 1d, soaking with 55 °C warm water for 15min, and then immersed in clean water for 6-8h, picked up and placed in the dark place at 25--30 °C germination, until most of the seeds can be sown after budding. When the seeds are sown, the tips of the buds are down and the seeds are laid flat. One seed per hole, covered with fine soil. After the emergence of timely ventilation, reduce the temperature and humidity, nurturing strong seedlings, can be planted when the 2--3 true leaves. Seedbed management is mainly controlled by insulation before seeding and emergence. It is maintained at about 28°C during the day and 17°C at night. The seedlings of 4-3.5d seedlings are immediately ventilated and prevented from sprouting.
3, soil preparation, planting, planting sheds to grow gifts, small watermelon, its former crops avoid melons, peanuts and other crops, gifts, small watermelon growth period is short, to apply base fertilizer, promote its early-onset, soil preparation before the use of lime disinfection, planting For the first 3 days, the ridges were ploughed and riddled with base fertilizers. Generally, 37500--45000 kg/ha of organic fertilizer was used, 1500 kg/ha of grass and wood ash, 600 kg/ha of superphosphate, and 1200 kg/ha of ternary compound fertilizer. It is 1m wide and it is well covered with plastic film. When laminating, it should be tightened tightly. Small watermelon - like 15600 plants / ha. On the surface of the plant, plant the planting hole with a 0.4--0.5m plant spacing (using a special hole-drilling tool to open the hole on the mulching film), plant 2 lines per plant, and do the nutrient-enriching treatment before transplanting. With medicine colonization.
4, field management
4.1 The management of greenhouse temperature should be based on warming and moisturizing in the early stage. The suitable temperature for the growth of small watermelon is 25- 30°C during the day and the temperature should not be lower than 18°C ​​during the night, so the greenhouse watermelon does not need to be ventilated after planting, and it will warm with the weather. When the temperature is too high, it is necessary to ventilate and cool down. Rainy days should be kept warm, but the humidity in the shelter should be prevented from increasing.
4.2 Fertilizer Management Small Watermelon In the case of applying base fertilizer, top dressing is applied twice at the time of pumping vines and sitting on a guava, and 7500 kg/ha of farmyard fertilizer, 75 kg/ha of calcium, and 75 kg of ternary compound fertilizer can be used each time. /hectares, and top dressings 2 - 3 times. Moisture management In addition to the need to fill enough water during the swell period, attention should be paid to drainage in all other periods, especially watering should be controlled during the mature period.
4.3 Lead vines, pruning, and pollination Two iron wires are pulled along the long side of the pole at the top of each pole and fixed on the steel pipe in the shed. The height is about 2m. The vines are pulled by plastic ropes and the vines grow fast. Vertical cultivation generally takes three vine pruning, that is, melon vines 5 - 6 leaves when the removal of the main heart, in order to promote the occurrence of lateral branches, and then select the three strong and robust growth of the same cranberry shelf. The eight-shaped buckle method will be used to fasten each of the watermelon vines on the stand. Each vine spreads 10 to 20 cm in distance, the growing point is neat, two of the three vines are the result of vines, one is nutrient vine, and the result is vines. - 3 female flowers are subjected to artificial pollination and fruit setting (insecticides in the greenhouse are few), and the different cucumber cultivars of different vines must be similar to each other to facilitate management and uniform harvesting. Strictly remove the side vine before sitting in the melon section. Two or three round fruits were selected for each strain, and the remaining fruits were removed.
4.4 Diseases and Insect Control The main pests of small watermelons include aphids, melons and cabbage caterpillars, etc. It is possible to use 10% Da Gongchen WP 1500--2000 times and Bt insecticide WP 1000 times, Avi. Controlled by agents such as mycin and fipronil. Diseases mainly include downy mildew, blight, wilt disease, disease, powdery mildew, and viral diseases. The control of bacterial blight was performed on 1:10 with mancozeb and thiophanate water and applied viscously to the root disease from top to bottom. Fusarium wilt was sterilized with 3000--4000 times of green magma. 3 times; downy mildew, epidemic disease use Anke, metalaxyl manganese zinc and other chemical control; powdery mildew with triadimefon, the world's higher pharmaceutical control; viral disease with the virus Bike plus Yunda 120 prevention. Special attention should be paid to comprehensive prevention and control, and high-potency and low-toxicity pesticides should be selected for prevention and control.
5, timely harvest of small watermelon early maturing varieties usually about 30d after flowering mature, picking should be carried out in the sunny morning, home cool place. Small watermelon skin is thin and afraid of pressure, should use the coat foam bag or box when listing.

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