High-yielding cultivation techniques for spring soybean


Planting soybeans can cultivate fields, fertilize fertility, and have short growing seasons and high profits. It is a good way for farmers to get rich. Spring soybean high-yielding cultivation techniques are as follows.
First, seed treatment. Before sowing, select seeds full of seeds and expose them for 3 to 4 hours to increase the growth potential of the seeds. During sowing, 0.1% to 0.2% of ammonium molybdate or rhizobia (0.5 kg of fungus mixed with 10 kg of seeds) was used for seed dressing. After the seed treatment, the nodule formation was early and many, the growth was good, the branching was early, the seed setting rate and the number of pods increased, and the yield increased by 10% to 20%.
Second, fine soil preparation. Deep plowing 20 to 25 cm, and crushed again and again from the turtle ridge 12 meters (paddy field), dry slopes can be wider to prevent the accumulation of water rot. Before planting, apply basal fertilizer, 1500 kg of compost fertilizer per 667 m2, 600 kg of fire-soil ash or plant ash, 10 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 20 kg of compound fertilizer, mix well and make the base fertilizer, and then open the hole for sowing. Line spacing 16 to 18 centimeters, spacing 12 to 14 centimeters, hole sowing 1 to 2 tablets, 28,000 to 30,000 plants per 667 square meters.
Third, choose to turn autumn beans for the species. The use of autumn soybeans in the previous year as a seed can increase the seed germination rate, ensure the whole seedlings, and mature early and yield high. Suitable varieties for cultivation in paddy field are "Gudou 1" and "Gudou 2". Good varieties suitable for planting in the red soil hill include "Maohuanghuang", "Dajinhuang" and "Yuedou No.1". The above-mentioned improved varieties have the characteristics of being compact, dwarf, and drought-tolerant (wet), and are easy to win high yields.
Fourth, early cultivator and early fertilizer. 1. When the height of seedlings is 15 to 20 centimeters, the cultivating and weeding soil is used to promote the development of rhizobia, and the soil can be fed to the cotyledon nodes. When cultivating lime powder every 50 to 60 kg per 667 square meters, can improve the resistance to pests, lodging resistance, increase the weight. 2. In the branching period combined with the second cultivating of 5 kg of urea per 667 square meters, 7 kg of potassium chloride, can enhance the number of effective sit down twigs and improve the rate of flowering. 3. Spraying 25 kg of water with 0.7 gram of paclobutrazol in the seal can promote plant growth and increase the number of knots per plant. 4. During the flowering stage, spraying plantlets with potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1 or 2 times, the seed setting rate can be increased by more than 20%.
Fifth, topping the heart to increase production. Sodium sulfite 4 to 5 grams of water at the flowering time of 50 kg, once a week, with 2 to 3 shots, can increase the photorespiration intensity of soybean, increase the yield of 8% to 10%; 20 days before harvest, the top heart can be removed Increase the scarring rate by 7% to 8%.
Six, prevention and control of pests and diseases. In the early period of childbirth, it is important to control locusts, ground tigers, and borers. In the middle of the reproductive period, we will focus on the prevention and control of soybean meal, ladybugs and leaf spot diseases.

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Yirun Agricultural Cooperative , https://www.yiruncn.com