Cultivation Technology of Greenhouses in Solar Greenhouse


As early as the unripe peach line, a new variety of special early peaches cultivated by Beijing Linguo, we introduced the finished seedlings in the spring of 1999, and used the vegetable sunlight greenhouse for cultivation experiments. After the greenhouse was picked up as cucumbers, they were planted at the end of May. After 11 months of greenhouse management, fresh fruits went public in April and May 2000, and significant economic and social benefits were achieved. The variety showed a strong tree vigor. When the branches were all flowered, the harvest was abundant in the second year and the fruit was flat and round. The average fruit weight was about 105 grams and the maximum was 205 grams. The fruit surface is yellow-white, bright red, and fruitless, with excellent quality and high selling price. The test greenhouse produces 1,652 kilograms of fresh peaches in an area of ​​450 square meters, with an output value of 35,528 yuan. After deducting production expenses, the net profit is 33,428 yuan. The main cultivation techniques are as follows.

1. Solar Greenhouse Structure Greenhouses are about 60 meters long from east to west and 7.5 meters wide from north to south. The east, west and north walls are hollow brick walls of 24 centimeters, and sand and ash are painted on both sides of the wall. The northern wall is 1.8 meters high, the ridge is 3.0 meters high, the back slope is a civil structure, and the wooden sandalwood has a row of cement columns. The front slope is a column-less structure of reinforced steel. The reinforced beam is covered with plastic without a drip film. Cover grass curtains.

2, the first parent nutrient bag seedlings, after transplanting because of its test greenhouse cucumber is cucumber, until the cucumber can be planted peach seedlings. Therefore, a small arch shed was first built and a nutrition bag peach seedling was cultivated. The method is: In the middle and late March of the month, use cement bags or plastic bags (cutting corners) inside the bag to contain nutrient soil 1?, and plant 1 pot of peach seedlings, and then fill in the nutrient soil to the root and neck of the seedlings. The ratio of nutrient soil is 1/2 of garden soil, 1/4 of sandy soil, 1/4 of decomposed agricultural fertilizer, and even mixing. Will be loaded with nutritious soil bags placed neatly, insert 4 meters of bamboo, arched form, cover film, night cover straw.

1 nutrient bag peach seedlings to dry a highly nutritious bag peach seedlings dry height should be based on the location of peach seedlings in the greenhouse, the southernmost row of seedlings is set at about 25 cm high, selected 3-5 full shoots for short cuts. To the north, each plant is increased by 5 cm in order, and the northernmost plant height is not more than 55 cm. According to the above plan, the nutritious bag seedlings can be set and dried at the same time.

2 Nutrition bag peach seedling temperature and humidity control in the first week after planting, the maximum temperature does not exceed 20 °C, the minimum is not less than 5 °C, humidity 80% - 90%; the second week maximum temperature does not exceed 22 °C, the minimum is not lower 7 °C, humidity 70%-80%; the highest temperature in the third week does not exceed 25 °C, the lowest does not reach 10 °C, humidity 60% - 70%. After entering the development period after the fifth week, the temperature is controlled between 15-25°C, ventilation is over 25°C, and humidity is 50%-60%. When the soil is dry, water can be used to mediate. When the temperature is low at night, the straw curtain is used for heat preservation. When the night temperature is stable above 10° C., the straw curtain is removed, and ventilation is practiced for 10 days before the planting.

3, Sunlight greenhouse exposed early peach seedlings transplanted at the end of May, early June, after the cucumber pulled, large seedlings transplanted. Two days before planting, the greenhouse should be cleaned and sterilized at high temperature. 667 square meters to spread 15,000 - 20,000 kilograms of decomposed farmyard fertilizer, deep turn about 20 cm. When planting, press 1 meter x 1 meter spacing, dig a diameter of 30 centimeters and a depth of 30 centimeters, and plant peach seedlings. Seedlings are removed before planting.

4, solar wet room early exposed peach water and fertilizer management in the application of base fertilizer on the basis of large seedlings transplanted when planting, it is necessary to drench the water once to ensure seedling survival. After about half a month watering once, in mid-July after the control of water, frozen frozen before pouring frozen water, pouring water the next year, germinating water, water before flower, water after flowering, fruit swelling water and all the time after the fertilizer. Planting the top dressing twice in the same year, the first time in mid-June, the top dressing 150 grams of urea, topdressing Shi Yi organic fertilizer 100 times liquid 1 kg. The second time in early July, about 400 grams of sprinkling or multi-component fertilizer was applied. The following year before flowering, apply 200 grams of multi-element fertilizer + 100 grams of urea, and apply 300-400 grams of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer after fixing the fruit.

5. The pruning of the peach tree in the sunlight greenhouse shows that the peach tree is strong. When the seedling shoot grows to 25-30 centimeters, it picks up the heart once; when the second shoot shoots 25-30 centimeters, it picks the heart again. The space is reserved for the new shoots, and no space will be removed as soon as possible. It is advisable to leave 30 to 40 branches per tree. Pruning at the time of winter cutting: mainly sparse, leaving 15-20 squid per plant. The next year when the new shoot grows to 15-20 centimeters, it will be picked up and the second tip will be removed when it is 15-20 centimeters. In the early stage of fruit coloring, the surrounding leaves of the fruit were removed and the fruit was stained. After picking the fruit, go to the line and bring it to the transplant.

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