Edible bacteria intensified cultivation techniques


The intensive production of raw materials is mainly reflected in time saving, energy saving, low consumption, and high efficiency. The choice of raw materials is of utmost importance. For example, Pleurotus ostreatus is the most easily cultivated mushroom in the edible fungi, and the cultivation method is simple and the methods are various. Among them, raw material cultivation with low cost and easy operation is preferred. The cultivation materials include raw material cultivation and clinker cultivation. Raw material cultivation means that the culture materials are not sterilized by high temperature, and generally the method of composting is adopted. After the medium is about to be cultured and mixed with water, pile it up and cover it with a plastic sheet to allow it to warm naturally. Each time the core temperature of the pile reaches 60°C, turn the edge of the material to the middle and continue to stuff it, let it warm up again. . After 3 times, it can be inoculated and bagged. By controlling a certain carbon-nitrogen ratio and high-temperature environmental conditions, it is possible to effectively inhibit the proliferation of miscellaneous bacteria and promote the rapid growth of Pleurotus ostreatus.

Comparison of bagging intensification through cultivation experiments revealed that the size of the plastic bag was 18 centimeters and 45 centimeters (30 centimeters after loading), and 0.6 kilogram of dry material was the best. In the bagging mode, two layers of three-layer strains of bacteria are applied, that is, two layers are laid one on top of each other and a strain of bacteria is sandwiched between them, which is more suitable for intensive production.

The difference between management intensification and conventional cultivation is that the intensive cultivation technique adopts the positioning mushrooming method. Pleurotus ostreatus, etc. from the bag hole when reserved for oxygen growth, can effectively prevent mushroom buds in the growth process due to competition for nutrients and form a lot of shrinkage, resulting in unnecessary loss of nutrients. At the same time the conventional opening of the mushroom, mushroom plexus is too large, dead mushrooms and mushrooms poor quality. The method of positioning mushrooms, not open pockets, bacteria bags of water evaporation, thus achieving intensive cultivation and management.

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