Identification of vegetable oils and fats (3)


Identification of vegetable oils and fats (3)

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16, identify the quality of corn oil corn oil identification, there are the following aspects:

(1) Color: Good quality corn oil, light yellow color, transparent and shiny texture. If tested with the Novi Vicimeter, it is better than the combination of 35 units in yellow and 3.5 units in red.

(2) Moisture: Moisture does not exceed 0.2%. The oil color is clear and transparent, and the quality is the best. On the contrary, the quality is poor.

(3) Odor: It has the aroma of corn and no other odor. It has the best quality. Poor odor quality.

(4) Impurities: The oil is bright and clear, with no suspended matter. The impurities are below 0.1%, and the quality is the best. On the contrary, the quality is poor.

17, the characteristics of corn oil

Corn oil is oil extracted from corn germ and is a new seed high-grade edible oil. The nutrients are very rich. The content of unsaturated fatty acids is as high as 58%, the content of oleic acid is about 40%, and the content of cholesterol is the least. It is most beneficial for people to eat this kind of oil. The United States currently produces the most corn oil.

18, identify the quality of rice bran oil

Rice bran oil is oil extracted from rice bran. Generally fresh rice bran contains 18% to 22% oil, which is similar to soybean and cottonseed. Due to its high nutritional value, rice bran is one of the practical oils in developed countries. China is a country rich in rice in the world. In order to expand oil sources, China's rice bran has been listed as one of the fuels.

Rice bran oil quality identification has the following aspects:

(1) Color: Good quality rice bran oil, yellowish color, clear and transparent texture. For example, with the Norwich Colorimeter test, the quality is best if it is not deeper than the combination of 35 units in yellow and 10 units in red.

(2) Moisture: Moisture does not exceed 0.2%, the oil color is clear and transparent, not turbid, the quality is best, otherwise, the quality is bad.

(3) Odor: It has a slightly odor like rice bran, and it has no bad odor. It conforms to the specification standard. On the contrary, it has poor quality.

(4) Impurities: oil color is clear and bright, no suspended solids, impurities below 0.1%, in line with specifications; otherwise, poor quality.

(5) Purity: The oil sample was placed in a dry 100 ml test tube and if clarified, the quality was good. Place in a container at 0°C for 15 minutes, observe the clarity, and if it is clear, the quality is good.

19, the characteristics of rice bran oil

Features are:

(1) Light yellow color, transparent and clear.

(2) Aroma, no smell.

(3) Low melting point, easy to be digested and absorbed by the body 20, characteristics of sunflower oil and identification of the quality of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is an oil extracted from sunflower seeds. Because it is rich in nutrients, people in many countries in the world love to eat it, and some call it a healthy oil and extend its life. The characteristics of sunflower oil quality are:

(1) Light yellow color, transparent and clear.

(2) Aroma, no smell.

(3) It has a low melting point and is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Sunflower oil features:

The content of linoleic acid, which has a great effect on human health, is the highest among vegetable oils. Therefore, sunflower oil is good for hypertensive patients, obese people, and patients with cerebral embolism, myocardial infarction, and nephropathy.

The cooking method of sunflower oil, besides cooking oil, can be used as a seasoning oil for cold dishes and cold dishes to make the dishes delicious and delicious. 21, identify the quality of margarine

(1) Color identification

Sensory identification of margarine color, you can first take the sample under the external observation of natural light, and then cut with a knife, and then carefully observe the cut surface color.

Good quality margarine - uniformly light yellow, shiny.

Submarine margarine - white or over-colored, uneven color distribution, shiny.

Inferior margarine - dark in color, with mildew on the surface.

(2) Identification of organizational status

When sensory identification of the state of margarine tissue is performed, it is advisable to directly observe the sample, cut it into several pieces with a knife, and then observe carefully.

Good quality margarine - clean surface, neat section, fine and uniform tissue, no water beads, no air chamber, no impurities, no mildew, salt free margarine salt crystals remain. Sub-quality margarine - uneven state of tissue, there is a small amount of inflatable holes or voids, water droplets seepage on the cut surface, salt salt crystals on the margarine section.

Inferior margarine - Unevenly organized, soft and greasy hair, sticky knife when cut, or appear to be loose and non-ductile. There are large drops of water on the cut surface, with larger pores.

(3) Odor identification

Sensory identification of margarine odor, it is desirable to open the package at room temperature 20 °C, directly smell its smell. If necessary, warm the sample to 40°C and smell it again.

Good quality margarine - creamy, no bad smell.

Sub-quality margarine - creamy, flat, slightly odor.

Inferior margarine - mildew, acid rancidity and other bad odors. (4) Identification of odor

At room temperature 20 °C, take a small amount of margarine on the tip of the tongue after the mouth to taste.

Good quality margarine - with a characteristic flavor of margarine, no odor. Salty, salty, sweet and slightly sweetened.

Submarine margarine - the plain flavor of margarine has a slight odor.

Inferior margarine - has a bitter, sour, spicy, soapy and other bad taste.

22, the difference between vegetable oil and animal oil

Vegetable oils and animal oils can be identified from the following six aspects:

(1) Different shapes: At normal temperatures, animal oils such as lard, beef tallow, and sheep oil are mostly in a solid state, and vegetable oils such as vegetable oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, etc. are mostly in a liquid state. (2) Different melting points: The melting point of animal oil is high, and the melting point of vegetable oil is low.

(3) Absorption rate is different: Generally speaking, the lower the melting point of the oil, the closer to the body temperature of the oil, the higher the absorption rate, up to 97% to 98%, once the oil's melting point exceeds 50 °C the body is difficult to absorb, absorption More, it has a great effect on human health.

(4) Different fatty acids, animal oils contain more saturated fatty acids, and vegetable oils contain more unsaturated fatty acids. The saturated fatty acid has a high melting point and is easily coagulated at the same temperature as the unsaturated fatty acid, and precipitates on the blood vessel wall, which is the main cause of arteriosclerosis in the human body. Unsaturated fatty acids mainly include linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid. These acids are indispensable nutrients for the metabolism of the human body and are vital to the health of the skin and hair. If a person has sufficient supply of unsaturated fatty acids, his skin will be smooth and glossy, and his hair will be black and shiny. On the contrary, the skin is rough, easy to desquamation, and the hair is crisp.

(5) Different cholesterol content: Animal oil contains more cholesterol, while vegetable oil is essentially free of cholesterol. High cholesterol in the blood is a cause of atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes and other diseases. Soybean sterols and gluten sterols contained in vegetable oils are not only absorbed by the body but also prevent the absorption of cholesterol. This is the biggest advantage of vegetable oils. Ergosterol contained in vegetable oil is the predecessor of vitamin D and can be converted to vitamin D by ultraviolet irradiation.

(6) Different kinds of vitamins are absorbed: Fat is a solvent for fat-soluble vitamins, and only foods contain enough fat, and fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed. There are four fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K. Animal oil can absorb vitamin A and vitamin D. Vegetable oil can absorb vitamin E and vitamin K. Vitamin A and vitamin D are nutrients needed for human growth and development. Vitamin E and vitamin K are nutrients needed in the blood and reproductive system of the human body.

From the comparison of the properties of the above two oils, the nutritional value of vegetable oils is high, and there are many useful ingredients for human health. Eat less animal oils and eat more vegetable oils, which can make the human body grow healthily and prolong lifespan.

23, identify the authenticity of sesame oil

In recent years, there have been many fake sesame oils sold on farmers' markets. Adulterated substances are water, starch, and oil that is lower than the price of sesame oil.

Sensory identification of adulterated sesame oil is as follows:

(1) Look at color: different vegetable oils, with different colors, can be poured on the palm of the hand or white paper observation, large-grinding sesame oil is light yellow, small-grinding sesame oil is red-brown, soybean oil brown-yellow, wool cottonseed oil red and black, Refined cottonseed oil is orange, vegetable oil is brown, and peanut oil is dark yellow. At present, the sesame oil sold at the market is blended with mostly flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil, etc. The oil color mixed with the flaxseed oil is black, and the oil color mixed with rapeseed oil is brownish yellow.

(2) smell smell, each vegetable oil has its own seed odor, such as sesame oil has sesame flavor, soybean oil has bean flavor, vegetable oil has rape flavor, cotton oil has cotton seed flavor, peanut oil has peanut flavor and so on. If sesame oil is blended with a certain kind of vegetable oil, the aroma of sesame oil disappears, so that it contains an oil-mixed odor.

(3) Look at the brightness: observe the oil in the sun, pure sesame oil, clear and transparent, no impurities, adulterated sesame oil, oil turbidity, obvious impurities. Judging from the inspection results of the fake sesame oil on the market, most of the starch sesame paste made of baking soda was mixed and stirred with sesame to make the sesame oil freeze-dried and has a high viscosity. Some alkaloids and starches are dilute and mixed into sesame oil for reconciliation and sale. People consume this oil and it is harmful to health.

(4) Look at the foam: Pour the oil into a transparent white glass bottle and shake it vigorously. If there is no foam or a small amount of foam and it can disappear quickly, it means that it is real sesame oil. If it is full of foam, it becomes white and disappears slowly. , indicating that the oil is mixed with peanut oil, such as foam into black, and not easy to disappear, smell the smell of beans, then mixed with soybean oil.

(5) Taste: pure sesame oil, dense aroma, mixed with vegetable oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, sesame oil, astringent entrance.

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