Multi-slice spiral CT coronary angiography quality and coronary artery


Release date: 2008-09-08

Evaluation of the accuracy of lesion diagnosis Huang Meiping Liu Qishun Liu Hui Liang Changhong Zhang Shaobin [Abstract] Objective To investigate the image quality of 64-slice spiral CT (MDCT) coronary angiography and the accuracy of diagnosis of coronary artery lesions. Methods A total of 105 patients (including high heart rate, coronary artery calcification, and obesity, except for atrial fibrillation) underwent MDCT coronary angiography and were compared with conventional coronary angiography. Analysis of MDCT image quality and display of coronary lesions. Results Each segment was analyzed for 13 segments of the coronary arteries (1365 segments total). 1144 segments were able to meet lumen evaluation, and 221 segments were unable to meet lumen evaluation due to severe calcification (153 segments) or motion artifacts (68 segments). In 105 cases, the median calcification score was 154 (range 0-1983); 87 cases of calcification score <1000, median 105 (range 0-994); 18 cases of calcification score ≥1000, median 1477 (range 1115 ~ 1983). MDCT found that the total sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of ≥50% stenosis were 85.7%, 97.9%, 93.0%, 95.5%, respectively. 0%, 98.9%, 95.3%, 99 . 0%. The clinically correct diagnosis rate (detected or excluded at least 1 significant lesion) was 92.4% (97 / 105). Conclusion For non-selective cases, MDCT provides coronary imaging with high diagnostic accuracy. [Keywords] coronary artery disease; tomography, X-ray computed; angiography Multidetector CT of the cor onar y imaging: assessment of image quality a nd a ccura cy in detectingstenoses HUANG Mei-ping, LIU Qi-shun, LIU Hui, LIANG Cha ng-hong, ZHANG Sha o-bin. Department of Radiology, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Gua ngzhou 510080, ChinaCorresponding author: LIANG Cha ng-hong, Ema il: dr_lia ng62@hotmail. com [Abstra ct Objective To evaluate the image quality of 64-multi detector computed tomography (MDCT) and the clinical accuracy in detecting coronary artery lesions. Methods One hundred and five patientss were studied by MDCT. The results were compared with invasive coronary angiography ( ICA) .Patients Were excluded for atrial fibrillation, but not for high heart rate, coronary calcMDCT was analyzed with regard to image quality and presence of coronary artery lesions. Results The dataevaluation of the image quality was based on a total of 1365 segments ( 13 coro Nary segments for eachpatient) , of which 1144 segments were considered to have diagnostic image quality, but 221 segments( 16. 2% ) could not be evaluated because of severe calcartequivalent ( ASE) ] was 154 ( range0—1983) . 87 of The 105 patients had an ASE of less than 1, 000 [ median 105 ( range 0—994) ] , and18 patients had an ASE greater than 1000 [ median 1477 ( range 1115—1983) ] . For detecting lesions with50% or greater narrowing ( Without any exclusion criteria ) , the overall sensitivity, specpredictive value, and negative predictive value were 85. 7% , 97. 9% , 93.0 % , and 95. 5% , respectively.When limiting the number of patients to those With a calcium score of less than 1000 ASE, the thresholdcorrectedsensitivity for lesions with 50% or greater narrowing was 96. 0% ; specpredictive value, 95. 3% ; and negative predictive value, 99. 0% . Conclusion Our results indicate highquantitative and Qualitative diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice MSCT in comparison To QCA in a broad spectrumof patients. [Key wor ds] Coronary disease; Tomography, X-ray computed; Angiography

Source: Meditech Medical Network

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