Mud Dongfeng snail fencing breeding technology


Mud Dongfeng snail is commonly called Huangluo. It distributes in the East China Sea and South China Sea and inhabits muddy sea areas under subtidal conditions. Its delicious meat, nutritious, with a higher economic value of edible shellfish. In recent years, due to over-fishing, the output of Muddywind has dropped significantly. Artificial breeding gradually emerged. Since 2004, the author has carried out the exploration of purse seine culture technology in the Beigang shallows of Yuzhou Town, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province. During the period, the authors conducted a total of 8 mu of purse seine culture, with an average yield of 1100 kilograms per mu, and an average profit of 65,000 yuan per mu. Economic benefits. The technical points are introduced below for reference by peers.
1. Selection and treatment of shoals The shoal is selected as far as possible by the typhoon-impacted sea area. The beach surface is better with sand, the sandy ratio is about 70%, the long-wave drying time is 1 hour to 2 hours, and the seawater salinity is over 14%. ‰ ~ 34‰, no fresh water inflow. Prior to releasing the seedlings, the beach shall be leveled with machinery, artificial snails, crabs, and other predator organisms shall be manually removed, and then the beaches shall be treated with high concentrations of “bleaching powder” or “limestone”, and the seedlings may be reared one week later.
Second, the setting of the fence The fence is double-layered, the height is 60cm, and the spacing between the front and the rear is 80cm. The net is made of polyethylene without netting, the mesh is 0.6cm, and the net is 100cm wide. The net is connected with a polyethylene rope with a diameter of 8cm above and below, and the net is embedded in the bottom of the beach 40cm. The net pile is used every 150cm. fixed. The net piles are selected from pines with a length of 150cm and a small head diameter of 6cm, and are inserted into the beach surface 60cm to fix the mesh and form a square fence of 20m20m.
Third, seed stocking
1. Selection of seedlings Selection Healthy seedlings were cultivated in that year. The length of the spiral seedlings was greater than 1 cm, and the spiral shells were bright and vibrant.
2. Seed transportation adopts dry transport method to transport screw seedlings. Each mesh bag is filled with 0.5kg seedlings and placed in a foam insulation box. If you are transporting long distances, you need to pack oxygen and add ice to cool down. When transported to aquaculture sea areas, the survival rate is generally over 99%.
3. Seedlings before stocking and laying seedlings in advance to understand the weather, avoid bad weather, heavy rain and other bad weather. The seedling time was selected at the low tide, the beach surface water level was about 30cm, and the seedling density was 500 grains/m2. Spike evenly into the fence.
IV. Breeding management
1. Feed The feed is mainly fresh sea miscellaneous fish, crabs and small shrimps. The amount of feed each feeding is 5% to 10% of the snail's body weight and is increased or decreased according to the ingestion situation. Every day at low tide, the water level of the fence is 20cm to 40cm. If the water level is higher than the fence, the feeding material will drift out of the fence with the waves, causing waste, and it will also cause the spiral seedlings to crawl out of the fence. outer. The bait should be thoroughly removed before feeding. As long as the tide level is suitable, feeding can be carried out.
2. Routine management often inspects the feeding condition of Dongfeng Lo and timely adjusts the feeding amount and records. Pay attention to the observation of the activities of the spiral seedlings when feeding, find abnormal or dead snails, and promptly find out the reasons and take appropriate measures. Frequently inspect purse seine facilities, remove sundries and seaweed from the mesh, prevent mesh plugging, and ensure smooth water flow inside and outside the fence. After the stormy weather, it is necessary to level off the beach in time. During the typhoon season, attention should be paid to reinforcing net piles and repairing net clothes to prevent spiral seedlings from “collectively running away”. In summer, pay attention to high temperature and anti-rainstorm. In the breeding process, when the spirallings grow to 400 grains/kg, they should be cultured in a timely manner at 300 grains/m2.
3. Disease prevention and control insist on prevention. When choosing a sea area, try to stay away from pollution as much as possible and choose a sea area with good water flow and good water quality. Strengthen aquaculture management, master the amount of feed, use fresh food as much as possible. During the high temperature season, the residual baits should be promptly removed, and the baits should be fed regularly to dilute the spores in time to reduce the breeding density. Monthly use of "dibromohydantoin" or "bromochloroheine" to disinfect the beach.
V. Harvesting
1. After catching for a year, the Dongdongfeng Loach reaches 160 grains/kg, and it can be caught. Take a large catch, you can use a crab trap cage for trapping; also at low tide, after feeding, until the Dongfeng Lob crawl out of bait for capture.
2. Packaging and Transportation The captured Dongfeng Locus is washed with seawater, seawater is dripped in the sieve, put into the foam insulation box, and dry transport is carried out. In the hot season, cool ice in the box when transporting. The transportation time is controlled within 24 hours and the transportation process avoids the sun.

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