Feeding management measures for nursing sows


The daily milk yield of a nursing sow is about 7 kg, and its dry matter production is equivalent to 2 days of gestation. Therefore, the lactation period should be well fed. The overall goal is to increase the intake of suckling sows to the maximum and to minimize the body weight.
1. Nursing sows feeding nursing sows should be based on their needs to get a full range of nutrients and energy, according to the sow's weight or condition, milk and its composition, the status of the pigs to determine their needs. The general requirement is to provide fresh feed starting from the day of childbirth and try to make them eat more.
Sows generally use lactation to produce lactation, and lactation reduces weight to some extent. Therefore, it is necessary to control the degree of weight loss by suitable breeding in order to prevent problems in reproduction. If the sow does not feed well 10 days after delivery, the diet should be tested with special attention to calcium and phosphorus levels.
Sows consume high-energy diets in the same amount as conventional feeds, so energy intake can be increased by providing high-energy diets. Enough protein intake to ensure that estrus and ovulation occur promptly after weaning. Insufficient protein during lactation can affect the estrus and conception of sows after weaning, especially for first-time sows.
In our country's traditional approach, the supply of thinners should begin, and the amount of feed added gradually after 2-3 days. 5-7 days to feed water and spices, the amount of feed can meet the feed standard. It is best to feed 3 times a day, and the conditional field can be fed with some high quality green feed.
2. Management of lactating sows Scientific management of nursing sows can ensure the health of sows and is extremely important for increasing milk production. Should pay attention to the following points.
(1) Maintain a good environment The manure must be cleaned at any time, kept clean and dry, and well ventilated. If the bar is dirty and wet, it will affect the growth and development of the piglets, and serious deaths will occur. Winter should pay attention to cold insulation, nursing sows delivery room should have heating equipment to prevent thief wind invasion. In the summer, we should pay attention to sunstroke prevention, increase the number of sunstroke prevention facilities, and prevent sunstroke in sows.
(2) Protection of the sow's breast sows The development of the breast's mammary glands is closely related to the sucking of the piglets. Especially for the first-born sows, all nipples must be evenly used to prevent the development of breasts that are not used for sucking. Well, affect the amount of milk. The fence should be flat, especially the obituary object should be removed to prevent bruising and nipple removal.
(3) Ensure adequate drinking water The sow’s water requirement is large, reaching 32L per day. Only by ensuring sufficient clean drinking water can normal milk yields be achieved. A nipple-type automatic drinker (flow rate of 1L per minute) and water storage equipment should be set up in the delivery room to ensure that sows can drink water at any time.
(4) Attention should be paid to observing the sow's feeding, feces, mental status, and growth and development of piglets in order to determine the sow's health status. If any abnormality is reported to the veterinarian promptly, check the cause and take measures.


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