Learning skills are no longer difficult to control cotton blindness


Causes of Cotton Blindness

Many cotton farmers believe that cotton blind lice are more difficult to cure. If you want to control the cotton blind, you must first understand why it is intractable. According to the author's investigation and analysis, the reasons why cottonseed mites are refractory are mainly five factors:

First, there are many species, many host crops, and long periods of occurrence. According to the latest data, there are three species of blind-spotted lynx that have been found in the cotton area of ​​the Yellow River Basin: blind plague, lucid owl, blind plague (brown blister), mid-black plague, and grass plague, among which the first three are common ( Because of the different ecological environments in different regions, the dominant populations that occur in different counties and cities are different. Incubation begins in April, first on weeds and trees. (If there are many trees around the cotton field, there are more weeds or there are pods, rapeseeds or legumes around, etc., it will help the pests to inhabit and breed. Cotton blind lice often occur early and endanger weight). After the emergence of cotton, the adults migrated to the cotton field to damage. In general, there are four peaks of damage. The emergence of adults is in mid-May, late June, mid-late July, and mid-August. Because of its variety and mixed, adult life expectancy is longer. For example, the life span of adult females is 40-50 days, and the generation overlapping phenomenon is serious. Therefore, the occurrence of long duration, excessive population base, and serious damage.

The second is that adult habits are not conducive to prevention and control. The adult cotton aphid has strong flying ability, quick action, and is easy to move and move. At the same time, many of them are endangered in the early morning or at night (during rainy days, they can endanger day and night), and they are lurking in shelters during the day. This poses greater difficulty in spraying control.

Third, the cotton growing season coincides with the rainy season. A warm and humid environment is conducive to its occurrence. Cotton aphid prefers warm and humid climatic conditions. When the temperature is between 20°C and 30°C and relative humidity is 80%, heavier occurs. When the temperature is below 11°C or above 35°C, it is not conducive to the hatching of eggs. The rainfall in June-August is more conducive to its occurrence. On the contrary, the year of drought is generally lighter. The facts show that after a rainy day or after watering, the damage will suddenly increase, and the tips and buds of young shoots grown by cotton are the most vulnerable. At this time, farmers tend to neglect prevention and control and often suffer heavy losses.

Fourth, there is a certain degree of selectivity in the damage to cotton fields. The misunderstandings in planting management make the cotton blind plague "incremental." Cotton aphid has a tendency to become apical, greenish, budding, and flowering. Early sowing, early-onset, vigorous growth, and high humidity in the cotton fields, especially in the cotton fields where excessive nitrogenous fertilizers are applied and where control is not timely and vigorous, are often more seriously affected. Many cotton farmers have early planting and early management of the planting, the density is too large (which is conducive to habitat breeding of cotton aphid, is not conducive to spray thoroughly through the use of drugs), fertilizer is irrational (more nitrogen, less phosphorus, less potassium), chemical control It is unscientific (the number of chemical control is small and the time of control is late). This can be described as "helping abuse".

The fifth is that "do not rule" aggravates "bad governance." More cotton farmers do not understand the hazards of cotton aphid, and there are widespread prevention and treatment times, such as late prevention and treatment, improper use of medicines, low dosage of liquid medicine, and insufficiency of spray (no uniform spraying, no penetration). The situation has thus aggravated the bad governance of the cotton blind."

Symptoms of Cotton Blindness

It sucks cotton sap with adults and nymphs to harm the cotton. In the cotyledon stage, the growing point is blackened and dried after being damaged, forming "public cotton". After the appearance of true leaves, the top bud victim will die and die, resulting in adventitious shoots. The young leaves are dark spots at the beginning of their damage. The young leaves grow into floral leaves, or have holes or nicks. They are commonly known as "breaking leaf mad." At the heart and side of the heart were killed, the formation of leafy "broom seedlings." After the victim's victim is injured, the leaves are often open, and they are yellow-brown and then dry off. After flowering, the anthers on both sides of the "stigma" shrunk and darkened to form a "black heart flower." In severe cases, the bell was ringing because of inability to fertilize. After the young bell was damaged, watery stains appeared on the light wounds and the cotton bolls became severely shed.

Effective Prevention and Control of Cotton Blindness

To scientifically select pesticides, when it comes to combating cotton blindness, many farmers will invariably ask, “What medicine is good?” There is no “mystery” or “magic” at all to prevent and control pesticides in cotton aphid.

Early prevention and control of many cotton farmers is often done when “leafs are gone” and “buds are falling” when they are put into the “artillery behind the horses”, and 1 bucket of water is sprayed with 4 or 5 kinds of medicine, and the medicine is sprayed one or two days apart. all over! The result is that the money is not spent, the energy is not used, the effect is very poor. In fact, as long as there are more cotton fields in peacetime, and early detection and early prevention and control, we can achieve better anti-consultation effect. The majority of farmers are reminded that there are sporadic cotton blinding activities in cotton fields, or the young leaves of young cotton buds or the young leaves of young buds have just appeared a small amount of black spots. This is the best time for spraying pesticides. The "breaking leaves" is the damage caused by sucking the cotton leaf blind at least 7 days ago. That is, there are "black spots" appearing in the young leaves, which are formed as the leaves grow up. After the rain or after watering, the danger of cotton blindworms will suddenly increase. At this time, the prevention and treatment of drugs can have a multiplier effect. Chrysanthemum pesticides, such as fenvalerate, fluthrin, fenpropathrin; organophosphorus pesticides, such as malathion, phoxim, profenofos, and lespenbine; carbamate pesticides, Such as methomyl, butyl sulfur Wei; organochlorine pesticides, such as Sai Dan and so on. Of course, in order to control cotton bollworms and concurrently treat cotton bollworms, aphids, whiteflies, thrips, red spiders, leafhoppers, and other pests, pesticides of two different components are often mixed or a high-level compound is used. Pesticides to achieve a spray more governance, cost-effective. It reminded the majority of cotton farmers that high-efficiency and high-efficiency compound pesticides are generally selected as singles or mixed with two single-component pesticides.

To achieve a fine spray on the spray should also highlight a "fine" word, in order to achieve "except the evil to do" control effect. According to a lot of practice, the author has proved that the "cotton spraying" method is applied to the cotton plants (using a motorized sprayer to spray the cotton plants in a "fight over and hit back" method). On the surface, the cost of this method is doubled. However, the actual control effect is equivalent to several times the conventional spray control effect, generally 1 month or two spraying can achieve significant results. In addition, spraying is best divided between 5 pm and late afternoon, because there is dew in the morning, which will reduce or lose the concentration of the liquid and affect the effect of spraying. At midday, there is evaporation of the liquid and increasing the number of sprayers. Poisoning probability, affecting flowering pollination and other drawbacks. At the same time, care should be taken to spray from the middle of the cotton to the middle to prevent the escape of the adult migration.

To strengthen field management to increase their level of scientific and technological cotton planting and to conduct scientific and reasonable planting management will not only help prevent cotton blindness, but also help increase cotton production. For example, in terms of density, a reasonable planting density should be determined based on the level of soil fertility and species characteristics. In particular, to overcome the “spirituality and hilarity” mentality, to a certain extent, strive to achieve a reasonable and sparse planting, which is conducive to the ventilation of cotton fields. Transmitting light and reducing the shedding of bells, it is also conducive to meticulous spraying and increase the effect of spraying. On fertilization, nitrogen control, phosphorus stabilization, potassium increase, and micro-adjustment are needed to make cotton “eat” and “eat well”. "At the same time, in terms of chemical control, we must also do a small number of times, light control, and control, that is, the amount of the past once divided into two or three times. In addition, the weeds in the fields should be removed in time.


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